Giving Opportunities
Mark Somerville sponsored the Bass 2 section at our 159th Fall Hill Concert last year.
The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club is one of the oldest collegiate choruses in the United States and the oldest continually-run student organization on the Michigan campus, but it is not only longevity that sets UMMGC apart. Across more than 150 years of history, UMMGC continues to lead on campus and abroad through a strong spirit of tradition, camaraderie, and musical excellence. Give a gift to UMMGC to ensure the excellence you have come to know and respect for future generations.
If you would like to make a gift at this time you may do so securely at the link below, or print and mail us a Donor Form. All gifts are tax-deductible and those of $25 or more will be acknowledged by the Club in a future concert program and in Laudes, the official newsletter of the University of Michigan Men's Glee Club.
Recognition Levels
Michigan Song Sponsorship...$500: Michigan songs are at the core of our repertoire. You can sponsor any of the songs to be performed at the concert. You will receive a pin, as well as lifetime access to our full music archive.
Voice Section Sponsorship…$2,500: Voice sections are where all the fun begins. Intellectually competitive, musically cooperative, sections give the ensemble its balance, blend, and richness. For each Hill concert, choose the 1st Tenor, 2nd Tenor, Baritone, or Bass section. You will have the opportunity to take a picture with the section you've sponsored (like Mark's picture above), and some of Club's finest rising leaders will meet you before the concert to thank you personally.
Tour Concert Sponsorship…$5,000: On tour, young men relate and connect, achieving milestones, memories, and friendships that can last forever. It’s on tour where they grow and develop as individuals, maturing beyond their own imagined capacity. Most of all, it’s the on-tour experience that binds everyone in common passion—in tradition, camaraderie, and musical excellence. Select from domestic tour concerts available annually, or international concerts every four years. Your name will be printed in our program, and you will be personally thanked by Professor Stover from the stage.
Hill Concert Sponsorship…$10,000: Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor—world-acclaimed performance venue since 1913…host to the likes of Caruso, Horowitz, Bernstein, Sutherland, Helen Hayes, Robert Frost, Ravi Shankar, B.B. King, and Bob Dylan…but home to the Men’s Glee Club. It’s OUR home field, our hallowed hall—acoustically pristine, stylistically pragmatic, emotionally aglow. You can sponsor either a fall or spring Hill concert. Professor Stover and some of Club's finest rising leaders will meet you before the concert to thank you personally.
Means of Giving
Men's Glee Club Fund (362611) - The Men's Glee Club Fund is an annual fund to support students, programs, and performances of the Men's Glee Club at the discretion of the director. Because the Club's need change from year to year, the director can drawn on this fund to finance special projects like song commissions, touring opportunities like guest appearances at ACDA, and outreach programs like Brothers in Song.
Men's Glee Club Tour Fund (363417) - This expendable fund provides support for annual tours, both domestic and international.
Jerry Blackstone Endowment for International Tour (731161) - This endowment fund honors the Club's former director Dr. Jerry Blackstone to provide financial assistance to students who participate on international tours.
Men's Glee Club Appearance Fund (570053) - This endowment fund was established in 1999 to defray the costs of the Clubbers' formal and informal concert and touring apparel.
Phillip A. Duey Scholarship (709244) - This endowment fund was established in 1974 to honor the Club's long-term director to provide scholarships to deserving Clubbers which are announced at the Club's annual spring concert.
Questions regarding these or other giving opportunities to the Club can be directed to Tess Eastment, MGC Development Liaison, at or 734-764-5613.