Our Statement of Solidarity with the Black Community

Dear UMMGC Community,

The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club Executive Board stands united with our Black brothers and sisters in song and the Black community across the country. We are heartbroken and disgusted by the blatant acts of violence and hatred committed against George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Racism and bigotry are antithetical to our values and will never be tolerated in the Men’s Glee Club. It is our duty and joy to celebrate and amplify the diverse voices in our community. 

We must realize that these recent tragedies are not standalone events. Racial injustice has existed for centuries, often perpetuated, and therefore tacitly condoned, by the silence and inaction of large organizations. As an organization founded in 1859, the UMMGC recognizes its own complicity in the perpetuation of systemic injustice and racism.

Today, the Executive Board reaffirms our commitment to action against injustice. We believe that the Men’s Glee Club, as an organization comprised predominantly of White members, must stand in solidarity with the Black community, condemn white supremacy, and use our platform to address and combat injustice wherever we can. We encourage all of our members, alumni, and friends of the Glee Club to join us in supporting the Black Lives Matter movement in any way that you can. 

The time for action and education towards anti-racism is now. As a starting point, we invite you to watch –or rewatch– Joel Thompson’s Seven Last Words of the Unarmed. Then, utilize the resources available at https://sevenlastwords.org/educational-resources/ to begin formulating dialogues in your immediate community. And most importantly, continue to educate yourself, advocate, and donate to organizations making a difference. This is a lifelong journey that we all must take together. 

Every person deserves respect. Every person deserves to have a voice. Every person deserves a life free from discrimination and injustice.

No one, regardless of the circumstances, deserves to have their life ended before their time.

Black Lives Matter.

Jack Riley, President

Professor Mark Stover, Music Director

Professor Daniel Washington, Faculty Advisor

Ben DeVries

Britton Michmerhuizen

David Yang

Donovan Jewell

Doug McClure

Jonathan Lin

Matt Lichtinger

Patrick Lovelace

Zachary English

Guest User